Encyclopedia Q Through R |
The Qliq |
The Qliq (pronounced "Click") on Earth are one species of Xorn ex-slaves who
have been freed or had escaped during the Xorn Invasion of 1984. The Qliq are used
by the Xorn to assist their invasion of planets where psionicism might foil their conquests.
The Qliq are primitive sentient creatures from a wet world with substantial
volcanic activity. Long ago, life took a strange turn when the predominant
insect species evolved a mild telepathic communication ability. Natural selection
favored further development of psionics which served to coordinate defensive and
food-gathering activities of the hives. To keep up, the ancient ancestors of the
Qliq, which ate these insects, developed receptivity to the insect psionics allowing them to,
at first, easily find their prey and avoid the confusion induced by their telepathic
broadcasts. A Darwinian war ensued over the next million years producing the modern
Qliq, who naturally detect and dissipate psionicism as well as dine on the varieties
of hive insects on their home world.
The Xorn stumbled upon the Qliq home world roughly a hundred years ago and
would have just left it alone except for the fact that they nearly simultaneously invaded a
world which was protected by an enclave of psionically adept philosophers. The utility
of the Qliq was discovered and the planet was enslaved under the threat of destruction of the
Qliq Holiest. Qliq serving on Xorn invasion ships are held by Xorn masters on leashes
that contain sealed packets of toxins which are highly effective against the Qliq.
The frog-like Qliq usually stand on four legs, but can balance on two.
A layer of thick mucus-like slime protects them from such things as insect bites, but
facilitates the toxicity of contact poisons, which are not seen on their home
world. The Qliq breed by laying sperm and eggs in a small tub, which the
parents protect for two months until the young hatch. The hundreds of young
then must fight for the food given to them by their parents and only a handful of the
strongest survive to six months post-hatching. It is at this point that the parents
consider the young to be their children. The children are then doted over for the next
fifteen years until they are considered to be adults. Qliq have an average lifespan of
roughly 50 years. Because of partially incompatible vocal chords and mouths, Qliq and humans
can never fluently speak each others languages although it is possible to hear and understand
each other completely.
On Earth, Qliq are treated in a manner similar to superhumans, but are often
avoided because they are sometimes considered "gross-looking" to humans. Needless to
say, psionic superhumans are wary of the Qliq. Conversely, government
officials, big businessmen, and others who wish to ensure their mental privacy
have hired Qliq 'mind-guards'.
Rapture |
Rapture is a
highly addictive (and highly illegal in most countries)
narcotic which rewires the subject's brain so that, while
under its influence, all sensory input receives is mapped
through the pleasure-centers of the victim's brain. The
more intense the sensory input, the more intense the pleasure
response generated by the brain, which cascades through all
subsequent physiological systems. The drug has a severe
withdrawal component (with addicts willing to do just about
anything for another dose), and a single dose is usually
enough to cause addiction in just about anyone. |
Ray Guns |
Studies between 1976 and 1978 of the unusual behavior of the Jaffe battery
resulted in the discovery of the physics of the "blaster pistol". In
1978, Professor Angus McKree of MIT published the now-famous paper entitled An
Examination of Irregular Wave Forms and Power Phasing Effects in the Jaffe
Battery, better known as the "Ray Gun Paper". The McKree-Jaffe equations, combined with Lucent Technologies advances in
laser and maser technologies, gave the first theoretical insights into the
physical processes at work inside the bodies of energy projecting superhumans.
Additionally, in an appendix to the paper (the inclusion of which McKree later
called the "greatest mistake of my life"), there was a general outline of how
one might actually engineer a generic power blast weapon.
Almost as soon as the Ray Gun Paper had been
published, various governments began research into such weapons. Within
five years, a perfected blaster rifle and blaster pistol had been created, and
today almost every military force on the planet is equipped with such weapons.
Recreated Animals |
With genetic engineering and cloning technology advancing as fast as it
had, it was inevitable that sooner or later someone would try and
recreate an extinct species. To date, nearly every such attempt has been
successful. The only failures have been recreating dinosaurs; despite
Hollywood products as "Jurassic Park", extracting intact dinosaur DNA from any
sort of fossil has been impossible.
Extinct mammals and birds are another story, since several preserved
carcasses have been found for more recent species. The London Zoo currently has a
pride (twelve individual animals) of saber-toothed cats; all descended from
the original pair cloned in 1981. The National Zoo in Washington DC has
a small flock of dodo birds, the Moscow Zoo has three mastodons, and the
National Zoo in Wellington, New Zealand has fourteen moas. The biggest
success story regarding recreated animal species has been the quagga.
Since its first release back into the wild in 1972, the initial herd of
recreated quagga has grown from eighteen individual animals to over six
Regenerative Gel |
Invented by Dr James Jensen in 1998, as a result of investigation into
the nature of his own metagene powers. This substance is a pale red gel,
produced by a combination of chemical, genetic and radiation techniques
using a subjects own DNA as a base marker. Its usage is primarily in the
regeneration of skin samples for burns victims or others suffering
epidermic problems, though of late surgeons have been using it for the
removal of unwanted scars and tattoos.
It should be noted that Regenerative Gel is
not an instant fix (i.e. it does not instantly replace skin), rather it
accelerates a bodies own natural skin replacement mechanisms, even to
the point of allowing skin to be renewed over large skin free areas. While at the "general production"
stage, this treatment is still expensive and limited to the bigger
hospitals around the world.
Robot Companions, Inc. |
This corporation, which was begun in 1978, advertised itself as "the source for all your
personal escort needs". This was a polite euphemism. In truth, the company
made sex-toy androids for whoever could afford to pay the price. Doctor Brian Baker, the founder of the company, is a metagene-inspired genius
in the field of robotics who managed to create a succession of mechanical
women and men who were undetectable as machines by any external
examination. The company specialized in "sexbots" made to resemble
celebrities. It went out of business in 1980, after the passage of
the Non-Human Intelligence Law. Very few of the androids still exist,
having never been designed for long term use. A few
occasionally turn up in prostitution sweeps in the larger
cities, but the numbers are dwindling every year.