Encyclopedia I Through J |
The Icehouse |
More formally known as the United Nations Antarctic Super-Maximum Detention Facility,
this prison houses those prisoners who are deemed too much for standard prisons to hold,
but not quite dangerous enough to warrant sending them to Stronghold. The prison is
carved into the side of the Vinson Massif, and has space enough to hold fifty-seven hundred
inmates. |
Internal Combustion Engine |
With the development of the Jaffe battery and fusion power, it would seem inevitable that
the internal combustion engine would go the way of the dodo. The reasons this did
not actually occur are fairly straightforward. There comes a point after which the
energy output no longer increases with the size of the Jaffe battery. Likewise,
there is a lower limit to the size of a fusion reactor. These two size limits created
the perfect niche in which to foster the survival of the internal combustion engine.
Included in this niche are such things as aircraft and locomotive engines, tank engines,
smaller ships, and the larger cargo trucks.
What the Jaffe battery and fusion power did do was force the makers of the
internal combustion engine to create much more fuel-efficient designs. By 1995, even
the worst of the gas guzzlers were getting 36 miles to the gallon, while the more fuel
efficient engines were getting over 100 miles to the gallon.
The International Fighting Championship |
Also known as The "Great Bermuda Punch-out" the International Fighting Championship
is held every January in Bermuda. It is a no-holds-barred, full contact combat
tournament between super-powered opponents. The winner of each competition gets
to choose his prize. If the request is within reason, Lord Doom will grant the
Nearly every entrant has some level of superhuman strength, though
there have been combatants who didn't. None lack superpowers (its one of the
rules of entry). Entry is by invitation or audition: the only people invited
are those eight people reaching the semi-finals the year before, assuming they all
survived the contest. Auditions involve a demonstration of combat skill and
superhuman power.
During the competition, the fights are refereed and are broadcast in
a pay-per-view extravaganza that nets Lord Doom millions. The fights last until
one opponent shouts "stop", taps out, is knocked unconscious, is killed (killing your
opponent is discouraged, but it is understood that accidents happen... Only three
deaths have ever occurred in the thirty-two year history of the contest), or is
removed from the arena by his opponent. This last has only occurred once,
when Strength of Tarot punched Diamond Dan Luxx through the reinforced wall of the
arena. This was also one of the three deaths.
Ionitro |
Ionitro is a very powerful, and very restricted, putty-based explosive developed by an
unknown meta-genius four years ago. The formula and detonator design was classified
by the US government, but copies have been known to show up in the occasional internet chat
room or two. Ionitro detonates when an electric charge passes through a special
detonator, momentarily suppressing the attraction between electrons in the ionitro.
This causes the protons in the nuclei of the putty to explosively repel each other, releasing
great amounts of energy. Ionitro is stable without the detonator, even if exposed to
electric current. The detonator only functions with ionitro, and vice versa.
While it costs about thirty-four cents to manufacture the detonator, the
putty costs nearly one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per quarter-ounce to make.
It is thus not in wide use.
Ixtli |
The fourth planet of 20 Leo Majoris. Homeworld of the Tautiq. |
Jaffe Battery |
The Jaffe battery has become the standard source of stored electrical power in the world
today. Jaffe batteries have a stored capacity a thousand times greater than old-style
batteries of similar sizes, and can be recharged without degrading. This has lead to
the revolution of electrical vehicles and power-efficient living. |
Jaffe Foundation |
Since its beginnings in early 1978, the Jaffe foundation has given out millions of dollars
in development grants to aspiring inventors. The qualifications to receive such a grant
are strenuous, but are made up for by the grants themselves, which average $250,000 per person
(depending on design feasibility and circumstance). |
Jaffe, Roland O. |
In October of 1969, a 69 year old retired bus driver from Green Rock, Kentucky, went
into his garage to tinker with an idea he had. The idea, for a new design of
electrical storage battery, changed the world forever. Roland Jaffe had no education
in engineering, chemistry, metallurgy, physics, or any of the other sciences one expects from
someone who discovers new principles of energy physics. His was one of the first recorded
cases of metagene-inspired genius. When General Electric bought the patent for the battery from Jaffe in October of
1970, they made the man a billionaire. When he died in 1977 with no surviving family, his
will created The Jaffe Foundation, a charitable trust which offers grants to aspiring inventors.
Johns Hopkins Metagene Expression Study |
Commonly called the "Superman
Report", the Johns Hopkins Metagene Expression Study was an in-depth study of trends in the expression of the metagene.
The study took over five years, wherein scientists interviewed
and studied over four hundred metahumans around the world.
The findings of the study included (but were not limited to):
The most commonly expressed super-power
by far is superhuman strength. Nearly 65% of all metahumans have some level of superhuman strength.
In addition, nearly half of all superhumanly strong metahumans have such strength as
a side effect of other powers. The exact level of strength
augmentation varies from person to person. At the low end of the scale
may be a person who, though he himself is un-athletic, has the physical
strength of a trained athlete. On the other end of the scale are people
capable of lifting megatons of weight over their head. While the
stereotypical superhumanly strong person is tall and massive of build,
this is not necessarily the case with specific individuals.
The rarest of all powers are the
various psionic powers. Only 5% of all metahuman
expression results in psionic abilities. Of this 5%,
fully 35% are incurably insane because of a faulty
expression of their powers.
The study determined that once a given person's powers express,
his offspring (if they too are metagene active) will tend to have
similar if not identical powers. While this is
predicted by modern genetic science, it was confirmed in
the study through clinical examination.
Several standard genetic markers have been linked to the
expression of certain power sets, but only in the case of physical
enhancement. In other words, a metagene test can reveal whether or
not a person has superhuman strength, but not the ability to start
fires with his mind.
In some 55% of all cases of metagene expression, the
"powers" gained by the individual are of a weak or useless
nature. (The report cites as an example "Subject A-204"
whose "power" was having two functional, fully opposable
thumbs on each hand.)
While most metahumans are unique, there are several "power sets" that
have occurred so often they are considered almost clichés. Such
"power sets" include such archetypes as the "feline
humanoid", the "minotaur", the "amazon",
and the "SIF" (an acronym meaning "Strength,
Invulnerability, Flight", one of the most commonly found
sets of powers out there). There are many others.
Joshua Tree Federal Super-Maximum Detention Facility |
Officially, the Joshua Tree Federal Super-Maximum Detention Facility does not
exist. No records record its existence amid the scores of
prisons and jails in the United States. No prisoners have ever
been sentenced to serve time behind its bars. Yet, if the Joshua
Tree Super-Maximum facility does exist, deep in the mountain
ranges and desert scrub of Western Nevada it would be the
pinnacle of the Damocles Directive: a secret and secure facility
to house and deploy what could possibly be America and the
World’s last hopes in the event of direst catastrophe.
Rumors of its existence abound however; the United Nations
has privately condemned the creation of such a facility saying
that the United Nations should hold these dangerous entities
since they are a threat not merely to one nation but to the
safety and stability of the world. The United States of course
steadfastly denies the existence of Joshua Tree.
If it were real, it is rumored to possess the following. This
may or may not be true sources have been unable to vet the
veracity of the statements. Key features of the facility are
believed to include a miniature fusion power station and a
massive force field around the perimeter of the facility. When
activated no force has yet breached the walls of the facility.
The facility is also equipped with a number of antipersonnel
weapons to ensure that escape is highly unlikely. This equipment
includes high decibel sirens, blasters capable of delivering a
variety of munitions, and large area gel cannon.
The facility is believed to be able to house 130 Alpha Class
metahumans and 500 support personnel. Up to 100 highly advanced
androids are "employed" by the facility in a support capacity.
Joshua Tree is believed to be almost totally self-sufficient
requiring only the human support crew to leave occasionally for
R&R in Las Vegas or other local city. All other needs are met by
the extensive stockpiles of food and water held deep within the
facility. In the event of containment breach the entire facility
is designed to collapse inward trapping the highly dangerous
criminals inside: Buried alive for all time.
But again these could all just be rumors.