Encyclopedia E Through F |
Cape |
A slang term referring to any
superhero, regardless of whether or not the hero in
question actually wears a cape.. |
Caterpillar |
A slang term referring to a child of a metahuman who, though their parents
changed genetic code has been passed on to them, do not possess active metahuman powers. The
Centers for Disease Control roughly estimate that only one third of all
"caterpillars" will ever
"turn into butterflies" and gain powers of their own. |
The Chinese Breeding Program |
In 1995, the United Nations
uncovered evidence that the People's Republic of China
had, for the previous 24 years, been following a program
of breeding together metagene-positives. The ultimate goal
of this program was to create a virtual army of
superhumans, all trained and answerable to the Chinese
government. The subjects of the program were bred together
using the same processes by which dog or horse breeders
improve their stock. The ultimate success rate of this
program is unknown, but it is suspected that it wasn't as
high as the Chinese government expected. Tales of unknown
superhumans rampaging through small Chinese villages and
of unexpected military purges have been escaping China
since 1976.
All attempts to sanction the Chinese government were
vetoed by various members of the UN Security Council. |
The Church of Jesus Christ, Metahuman |
This religious faith, which
most non-believers consider to be little better than a
cult, is strongest in the United States and Canada, but
has adherents in Europe and Asia as well. The Church of
Jesus Christ Superhuman teaches that Jesus was a Metahuman
who will one day return from his "sojourn" with an
advanced alien society somewhere in space. The group
believes that Metahumans are God's appointed messengers,
heralding Christ's imminent return to Earth. There are
several well-known Metahumans, both hero and villain, who
are professed followers of this faith.. |
The Claranxi |
The Claranxi (pronounced "klarr-AINKS-zee") on Earth are
a former Xorn slave-species who
have been freed or had escaped during the Xorn Invasion of
1984. As Xorn slaves, they were used as manual labor and
personal servants. The Claranxi (the word is the same
for singular and plural) originate from a small and overcrowded planet some 32 light
years from Earth. The atmosphere on the planet is almost identical to Earth's apart from a
slightly less percentage of oxygen.
While most human
beings see the Claranxi homogenously, the truth is that they
are actually two separate, related species that come from the
same homeworld. The Du-Claranxi (pronounced doo-klarr-AINKS-zee) are big, broad muscular feline like humanoids
resembling a mountain lion facially. They are between 1.6 and 1.9 meters tall, and possess
a short tail. The Shi-Claranxi (pronounced shee-klarr-AINKS-zee)
are smaller and more human like. They tend to vary from
1.4 to 1.7 meters in height and are very agile and graceful.
They have much longer tails. One issue of Star Weekly
magazine summed up the differences between the two by
calling them "Lion Men and Cheetah Men", though of course such
labels are over-simplifications.
For both species, fur and hair color range from almost white to auburn. Eyes
are usually green or violet, but some examples of blue and brown exist. Both species have
slightly elliptical pupils. They have pointed ears that tend to point up through the mane of
hair. They also have very flexible spines which help them to land on their feet from falls.
Both races have two hearts and other biological differences compared to humans.
Both races are quite short lived. Interestingly, neither age gradually but
tend to be close to perfect physical condition from adolescence until they reach 50 to 55 years of
age. They decline in health extremely quickly at this point and usually die within a year of
the first stages of old age appearing.
Code 1377 - Charlie Alpha Pappa Echo Sierra. |
Code 13-77 CAPES is a police radio code introduced by the Detroit police department in 1982 that
has since been adopted by all major law enforcement agencies in the United States. The code
means "Major Metahuman Altercation in a Densely Populated Civilian Area. Call For
Immediate Evacuation". |
The Damocles Directive |
The Damocles Directive was created by executive order by Ronald Reagan in the aftermath of the Xorn
Invasion. The National Security Advisor Robert MacFarlane advised the President of several new
technologies now in American control, and the efforts of the Earth’s Metahuman population. In
his brief, NSA MacFarlane outlined the creation of a special unit of trained and motivated agents
that would fulfill roles of utmost importance to the stability of the world and US interests at home
and abroad. Reagan was more expansive in his vision and with a stroke of his pen ordered the
creation of a black agency under his authority that would harness the power of Metahumanity for the
good of all Americans.
A career NSC member and administrator was chosen as the President’s Liaison with the
new agency. The Damocles Directive was given broad powers and access to vast resources to
complete its tasks. The Directive is chaired by the enigmatic Liaison and includes six other
high ranking members of the US Government. It is believed to currently consist of three
Congressmen, a Federal Judge, a Former Attorney General, and a high ranking White House delegate.
It took nearly 24 years, but in July 2004 Phase 6 of the Damocles Directive became
operational. Utilizing metahuman felons, controlled through the infamous Deadlok device, the
Directive seeks to contain and eliminate threats to American Interests worldwide. It is believed
to operate out of the American Southwest either in Nevada or Utah, although it conducts operations
anywhere the Directive Board deems appropriate.
Cybernetics |
Cybernetics, or bionics as
they are more commonly known, are technological implants
used to replace or improve parts of the human body. Since
the turn of the century, cybernetic technology has become
more advanced and more commercially feasible as a medical
alternative. Contrary to popular impression, cybernetics
are incapable of giving a human being superhuman speed or
Most of the widely available cybernetic technology is
"brute force replacements" for entire portions of the
body. The most commonly used cybernetic implant is the
artificial limb (arms and legs), followed by the
artificial heart. Other than the heart, no other
artificial organs have yet proved to be successful in use.
A prototype cybernetic eye has been developed, but tests
have not yet declared it fully functional. |
The Darkside Radio Observatory |
Established in 1992, the Darkside Radio Observatory is the largest radio telescope
array ever built, spanning one hundred and forty square kilometers of the Moon's "dark"
side, some 1200 kilometers away from Dark City. Protected by the Moon's bulk,
and always pointed away from the Earth, the Darkside array is capable of
observations impossible from terrestrial radio observatories. The
improvement mainly comes from the fact that Earth's human population
generates more radio signals than the Sun; with the Moon itself blocking
these signals from interfering with the observatory's reception, the sky
is "clearer" for the radio telescopes. |
The Delethai |
The Delethai (pronounced "dehh-lett-HIGHi") on Earth are one species of Xorn
ex-slaves who have been freed or had escaped during the Xorn Invasion of 1984.
The Delethai are "gentle giants", being generally very powerful in body
but also among the quietest in attitude. The Xorn used them as heavy labor:
porters, diggers, miners, loggers. Whenever some job required enormous strength,
the Delethai were tasked to accomplish it. All Xorn medium to large
ground expeditions had at least one Delethai slave.
Over twice the mass of Earth with a surface gravity of 1.8 G, Zh'koi
(the Delethai homeworld) has six continents with a wide variety of climates.
Its surface is only fifty percent water, making it a relatively dry
world, though the Delethai do well with what they have. Because of a
relatively low occurrence of asteroid activity (approximately 2 order of
magnitudes less than that of Earth) and a relatively higher temperature
range, biological gigantism on Zh'koi has developed.
When the Xorn invaded, the Delethai were an agrarian society on
the cusp of industrialization similar to that of Earth in the mid-1800s. The
combination of a large technology gap and a generally pacifist
population made the conquest fairly simple.
While their massive physical strength might make them highly
sought as warriors, all but the most vicious Delethai would rather meditate
through a problem than fight. The Delethai are a quiet, contemplative
people with a strong tradition and rich history of art, music, poetry,
philosophy, and other artistic endeavors. While these are their most
passionate pursuits, Delethai have also produced highly noteworthy
botanists, criminalists, linguists, psychologists, and research
physicians, among others. Most Delethai observe one of six major
religions, all of which are peaceful and contemplative in their
philosophies. There were a few violent sects and cults, but they were
quickly destroyed by the Xorn.
Though roughly humanoid in general appearance, the Delethai are large
despite being heavy-worlders, standing ten feet on average with extremely
stocky builds. Their general appearance is like that of Humans, except
for the heads; their noses and ears have a rugged, fleshy look to them,
and their foreheads are adorned with three bony knobs. These knobs,
originally evolved as a means for the brain to dissipate heat. However,
the knobs later evolved further into both sexual displays for courtship
as well as weapons for both defense and for courtship battles. Because
of the high levels of ethanol in the plants of Zh'koi, the animals of
the Delethai homeworld have all developed physiological mechanisms to
detoxify or excrete alcohol.
On Earth, there are mixed feelings about the Delethai. Some humans fear
the large powerful beings, others find them to be peaceful hard workers,
and some admire them for their art. At times they have tried to spread
their religions to earthlings, and there is a small Delethai church in
Berkeley, California. The Delethai have six different primary languages
each of which has many dialects tend to adopt the language of wherever
they reside. Because of this diversity, Delethai on Earth tend to use
English as it is globally the most widespread language.
The Delta Clipper |
The Delta Clipper is the
common name of the McDonnell Douglas DC-1 SSTO Orbital
Transport shuttle. Constructed and operated for a fraction of the
cost of the original space shuttle model, the Delta Clipper is now
the workhorse of the US Space Program. |
Dopplegangers |
With the establishment of proof of the alternate timeline theory, and the physical
existence of persons from those alternate timelines, the word "doppelganger"
has come to mean a person from an alternate timeline who has a counterpart in
this dimension. Often, a person is unaware that his doppelganger
has arrived from another dimension. The doppelganger's life story
is usually identical, or at least closely similar, to the "original"
person. |
Dud |
A slang term referring to any
Metahuman whose powers have no practical purpose, or
nearly so. Examples
would include persons who can change the color of their
skin to the various shades of the rainbow, or a
telekinetic whose powers only affect cheese, or a person
who can transform champagne into motor oil.. |