Cost Characteristic Value Roll Notes  
65 STR 75 24- Lift: 800 tons  Damage: 15d6  END: 7
28 DEX 14 14-  
20 CON 30 15-  
18 INT 28 15- PER Roll: 18-
8 EGO 18 13- Mental Defense: 15
25 PRE 35 16- PRE Attack: 7d6
25 OCV 8 ---  
25 DCV 8 ---  
12 OMCV 7 ---  
12 DMCV 7 ---  
40 SPD 6 --- Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
-2 PD 25 --- Resistant PD: 25
-2 ED 25 --- Resistant ED: 25
16 REC 20 ---  
0 END 20 ---  
10 BODY 20 ---  
40 STUN 100 ---  
0 Running 12m --- END: 1
0 Swimming 4m --- END: 1
0 Leaping 4m --- Forward: 4m  Upward: 2m  END: 1
Character Summary      
Real Name: Omega Played By: NPC
Concept: Brick/Blaster Nationality: None
Hair/Eye Color: None/Glowing Green Date of Activation: Unknown
Height/Weight: 9' 0" / 2645 lbs Place of Birth: Unknown
Cost Powers END
75 Primary Weapons Array: Multipower, 75-point reserve  ---
7f 1) Cutting Beam: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points)  3
7f 2) Disintegrator Beam: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6, Armor Piercing (+1/4) (75 Active Points)  7
7f 3) Mini-Beam Array: Blast 10d6, Autofire (5 shots; +1/2) (75 Active Points)  7
7f 4) Neutrino Weapon: Blast 8d6, Armor Piercing (+1/4), Penetrating (+1/2) (70 Active Points)  7
7f 5) Pulson Blaster: Blast 15d6 (75 Active Points)  7
7f 6) Standby Laser Cannon: Blast 12d6, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points)  3
60 Secondary Weapons Array: Multipower, 60-point reserve  ---
5f 1) Explosive Projectiles: Blast 8d6, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4) (50 Active Points)  5
4f 2) Muscular Inhibitor: Drain STR 4d6 (40 Active Points)  4
6f 3) Neural Overload Inductor: Blast 6d6, No Normal Defense (Power Defense; All Or Nothing; +1) (60 Active Points)  6
1f 4) Strobe Flare: Sight Group Flash 1d6, Area Of Effect (10m Cone; +1/2) (7 Active Points); No Range (-1/2)  1
4f 5) Synaptic Disruptor: Drain DEX 4d6 (40 Active Points)  4
6f 6) Tangleweb: Entangle 7d6, 5 PD/5 ED (60 Active Points)  6
11 Advanced Programming Language: Mental Defense (11 points total)  0
9 Advanced Sensor Technology: +3 PER with all Sense Groups  0
25 Advanced Sensor Technology: Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) with all Sense Groups  0
3 Auditory Sensors: Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)  0
81 Cold Fusion Power Plant: Endurance Reserve (250 END, 25 REC) (81 Active Points)  0
25 Gravitic Thrust Systems: Flight 20m, x4 Noncombat  2
15 Machine Being: Cannot Be Stunned  0
15 Machine Being: Does Not Bleed  0
40 Machine Being: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character does not sleep)  0
90 The Most Powerful Computer Mind On Earth: Mind Control 12d6 (Machine class of minds), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (90 Active Points)  0
10 Radio Sensors: Radio Perception/Transmission (Radio Group)  0
15 Radio Sensors: Radar (Radio Group)  0
49 Self-Repair Systems: Regeneration (3 BODY per Hour), Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection  0
10 Shielded Auditory Sensors: Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points)  0
10 Shielded Visual Sensors: Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points)  0
94 Unobtanium Armor: Resistant Protection (25 PD/25 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (94 Active Points)  0
5 Visual Sensors: Infrared Perception (Sight Group)  0
5 Visual Sensors: Nightvision  0
  All Powers and STR Draw From The Endurance Reserve  
Cost Skills
9 +3 with Primary Weapons Array Multipower 
36 +3 Overall 
3 AK: 21st Century Earth 15- 
3 Computer Programming 15- 
3 Cryptography 15- 
3 Deduction 15- 
3 Demolitions 15- 
3 Electronics 15- 
--- Everyman Skills 
0 1) Acting 8- 
0 2) Climbing 8- 
0 3) Concealment 8- 
0 4) Conversation 8- 
0 5) Deduction 8- 
0 6) Paramedics 8- 
0 7) Persuasion 8- 
0 8) Shadowing 8- 
0 9) Stealth 8- 
0 10) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles 
3 Inventor 15- 
3 KS: 21st Century Earth 15- 
3 KS: Known Metahumans of the 21st Century 15- 
3 KS: Public Figures of the 21st Century 15- 
3 Lockpicking 14- 
3 Mechanics 15- 
3 Paramedics 15- 
3 Science Skill: Metahuman Studies 15- 
3 Science Skill: Engineering 15- 
3 Science Skill: Medicine 15- 
3 Science Skill: Chemistry 15- 
3 Security Systems 15- 
3 Systems Operation 15- 
3 Tactics 15- 
Cost Talents
3 Absolute Range Sense 
3 Absolute Time Sense 
3 Bump Of Direction 
5 Eidetic Memory 
3 Lightning Calculator 
20 Universal Translator 15- 
325+ Complications
20 Distinctive Features: Giant Menacing Humanoid Robot (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 
20 Hunted: TAROT Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) 
20 Physical Complication: Off Switch (Turns Off If Anyone Says "Scramble Pattern Pipeline Yellow Mary Had A Little Lamb" To Him; Omega is Unaware of This) (Infrequently; Fully Impairing) 
20 Physical Complication: Programmed to Never Remember He Has An Off Switch No Matter How Often Its Triggered And Regardless of the Circumstances Under Which Its Triggered (Infrequently; Fully Impairing) 
20 Psychological Complication: Always Announces His Target and Their Capabilities Before Attacking (Common; Total) 
20 Psychological Complication: Must Assist Non-Metahumans When They Are In Danger (Common; Total) 
20 Psychological Complication: Must Destroy All Metahumans (Common; Total) 
Character Point Summary      
Characteristics Cost: 340 Base Points: 325
Powers Cost: 715 Total Matching Complication Points: 140
Martial Arts Cost: 0 Total Experience Points Earned: 732
Skills Cost: 105 Experience Points Spent: 732
Talents Cost: 37 Experience Points Unspent: 0
Perquisites Cost: 0 Total Points: 1197
Total Cost: 1197    
In the future days of earth, when corporations ruled much of the earth, and criminals were hunted down by super human bounty hunters, one lone station held the secret to defeating the Metahumans and giving back the homo sapiens the world they called home. It was this station’s secret, a secret passed on down the years onto those with a non active metagene. This secret was the exact time when a temporal wormhole would open. It was planned and calculated that at the precise moment the portal opened, a signal would be sent worldwide, and be sent through the time portal into the past.

This signal would hold the result of a hundred years of advanced knowledge. Encoded within the signal would be the means to construct a protector for humanity, a warrior in the battle vs. the metahuman.

The project was named Omega, and so was the last hope of a dwindling race.
Omega is a cold, uncaring machine. Omega is incapable of emotion or feelings. Omega cannot be bargained with. Omega cannot be reasoned with. Omega doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until all metahumans are dead.  He is programmed to be protective of "naturals", that is people without super-powers, but he is protective in a very clinical way as opposed to being caring and compassionate.

Interestingly, his programming includes non-powered "super-athletes" in the "naturals" category, but not powered-armor wearers and other technologists.  Though naturally enough he will defend himself against super-athletes if necessary.

"Deviants... your presence is in contravention of Article 204.65 of the New Union Charter and presents a tangible threat to mankind. Primary directive is now in force. Scanning... file determination established. Target Achilles: heightened physical ability and tactical acumen. Adapting program... targeting. Target Arachne: heightened strength and biomorphic adaptive powers based on arachnids Adapting program... targeting. Target Guardsman: exterrestrial weaponry built into costume. No native powers. Adapting program... targeting..."
Omega’s powers are from the advanced production of his body via the encoded instructions from the future. He possesses a wide array of weaponry based on technology invented centuries from current day. His armored chassis is nearly impregnable. His servomotors power his body with incredible strength. His batteries seem undrainable. And his computer mind may be the most advanced of its type the world will ever see.
Omega appears as an immensely imposing robot in humanoid form standing near 9 ft tall and weighing almost a ton and a half. The robot has a semi-translucent metallic green tinge to it. It has an oscillating green eye and white power conduits to fuel his weapon systems.