Nemesis |
Cost |
Characteristic |
Value |
Roll |
Notes |
20 |
30 |
15- |
1600 Damage:
6d6 END:
3 |
20 |
20 |
13- |
20 |
30 |
15- |
8 |
18 |
13- |
PER Roll: 13- |
8 |
18 |
13- |
Mental Defense: 4 |
18 |
28 |
15- |
PRE Attack: 5
1/2d6 |
25 |
8 |
--- |
25 |
8 |
--- |
6 |
5 |
--- |
6 |
5 |
--- |
30 |
5 |
--- |
Phases: 3,
5, 8, 10, 12 |
-2 |
PD |
20 |
--- |
Resistant PD:
20 |
-2 |
ED |
20 |
--- |
Resistant ED:
20 |
9 |
13 |
--- |
9 |
65 |
--- |
5 |
15 |
--- |
10 |
40 |
--- |
0 |
Running |
12m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Swimming |
4m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Leaping |
4m |
--- |
Forward: 4m
Upward: 2m END: 1 |
Character Summary |
Real Name: |
Nemesis |
Played By: |
Concept: |
Weapon Master/Blaster |
Nationality: |
Greek |
Hair/Eye Color: |
Black/Purple |
Date of Manifestion: |
Summer of 2250 BC |
Height/Weight: |
6' 6" / 180 lbs |
Place of Manifestation: |
Rhamnous, Greece |
Cost |
Powers |
90 |
Punish the Guilty: Multipower, 60-point reserve, all slots Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +1/2) (90 Active Points) |
--- |
2f |
1) Gleaming Blade of Vengeance: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); No Knockback (-1/4) |
0 |
6f |
2) Imprison the Transgressor: Entangle 6d6, 6 PD/6 ED (60 Active Points) |
6 |
6f |
3) Infliction of Blindness: Sight Group Flash 12d6 (60 Active Points) |
6 |
5f |
4) The Pain of Guilt: Mental Blast 6d6 (60 Active Points); Not vs. Sociopaths or Those Unable To Feel Guilt (-1/4) |
6 |
6f |
5) A Punishment of Shapes: Major Transform 4d6 (Any Creature Into Any Other Creature,
Heals Back Through Repeated Use Of This Power), Improved Results Group (Any Living Creature) (+1/2) (60 Active Points) |
6 |
6f |
6) The Scourge: Blast 12d6 (60 Active Points) |
6 |
4f |
7) Weakness: Drain Characteristics 3d6, Any Characterstic (+1/2) (45 Active Points) |
4 |
15 |
Avatar of a Goddess: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial diseases; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons; Longevity: Immortal) |
0 |
22 |
Aura of Fear in the Hearts of Wrongdoers: Change Environment (-1 DCV, -2 OCV, Varying Combat Effects), Persistent (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Area Of Effect (20m Radius; +1) (62 Active Points); Only vs. Criminals, Wrongdoers, Traitors, Sinners, and the Overly-Proud (-1), Always On (-1/2), Doesn't Affect Those With 10+ Points Of Mental Defense (-1/4) |
0 |
15 |
Determine the Perfect Punishment: Detect Vulnerabilities and Susceptibilities 21- (Unusual Group), Sense |
0 |
13 |
Sense the Transgressor: Detect Criminals, Wrongdoers, Traitors, Sinners, and the Overly Proud 21- (Unusual Group) |
0 |
60 |
Shining Armor of the Divine Light: Resistant Protection (20 PD/20 ED) |
0 |
10 |
Strength of Will: Mental Defense (10 points total) |
0 |
13 |
Winged Flight: Flight 20m (20 Active Points); Restrainable (-1/2) |
2 |
Cost |
Skills |
3 |
Criminology 13- |
3 |
Deduction 13- |
10 |
Defense Maneuver I-IV |
--- |
Everyman Skills |
0 |
1) Acting 8- |
0 |
2) AK: Ancient Greece 8- |
0 |
3) Climbing 8- |
0 |
4) Concealment 8- |
0 |
5) Conversation 8- |
0 |
6) Deduction 8- |
0 |
7) Language: Greek (Ancient) (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) |
0 |
8) Paramedics 8- |
0 |
9) Persuasion 8- |
0 |
10) PS: Divine Wrath 11- |
0 |
11) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
12) Stealth 8- |
3 |
Interrogation 15- |
4 |
Language: English (idiomatic) |
3 |
Shadowing 13- |
3 |
Stealth 13- |
3 |
Streetwise 15- |
3 |
Tracking 13- |
Cost |
Talents |
15 |
Combat Sense 13- |
3 |
Lightning Reflexes (+3 DEX to act first with All Actions) |
9 |
+3/+3d6 Striking Appearance (Divine Beauty) (vs. all characters) |
325+ |
Complications |
20 |
Distinctive Features: Everyone Who Looks At Her Feels Their Own Guilty Conscience (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) |
20 |
Psychological Complication: Unforgiving (Common; Total) |
15 |
Psychological Complication: Rude and Abrasive (Common; Strong) |
15 |
Social Complication: Often Ignorant of Modern Life Frequently, Major |
5 |
Unluck: 1d6 |
Character Point
Summary |
Characteristics Cost: |
215 |
Base Points: |
325 |
Powers Cost: |
273 |
Total Matching Complication Points: |
75 |
Martial Arts Cost: |
0 |
Total Experience Points Earned: |
150 |
Skills Cost: |
35 |
Experience Points Spent: |
150 |
Talents Cost: |
27 |
Experience Points Unspent: |
0 |
Perquisites Cost: |
0 |
Total Points: |
550 |
Total Cost: |
550 |
Background: |
Nemesis, feared by all men, strode through this city's "Time's Square", pondering the current state of existence.
Athena had freed Arachne from her punishment.
In her thousands of years walking the Earth, meting out punishment to the transgressors and sinners of the world, no one had ever been released from their durance. No one. Was not Sisyphus still rolling his boulder up the hill? Were not the Aloadae still bound to their pillars? Was not Ixion still burning on his wheel? Tantalus still starved in his pool, and Prometheus was still ravaged by the eagle. That was the way of things. Wrong-doers were punished. They were not pardoned.
And Athena had freed Arachne from her punishment.
So lost in thought was the goddess that she did not notice the mortal's approach until he was already near. Brazenly, ignoring the truth of her divine personage, he began to speak.
"Well, well, you're a fine, tall drink of water... have you ever considered a modelling career, sweet thing? My name's Benny... I'm a talent scout and I've got the connections to make you a star.": Nemesis looked at the man. Or rather, she looked into the man. In response to the gaze of the goddess Nemesis, this mortal creature "Benny" abruptly voided his bowels into his clothing. The stench of him was disgusting.
"No... you are not a talent scount, and you have no connections. You are a pimp, like so many pimps before you, you trade on the weakness of others for your own power and enrichment. You have no connections. You stalk bus terminals, looking for young runaways that you can entrap into sexual congress and eventually into the slavery of prostitution and narcotics addiction." She gave the man one last glance before continuing her stride. "You are a rat in manform. Be a rat, Benjamin Velez... let the outer form match the inner. That is my judgment."
The goddess Nemesis continued stalking the streets of the city, ignoring the suddenly empty suit of clothes, or the panic-stricked rodent that raced for the shelter of a nearby building. |
Personality/Motivation: |
Nemesis is dedicated to her purpose, which is to serve out punishment to criminals, sinners, traitors, and other wrong-doers. She takes the greatest enjoyment of bringing the overly proud low. Towards normal human beings, she tends to be cold, aloof, and perhaps even a little cruel. This might be because she can see into men's hearts and knows the darkness that lives there. She considers mortal beings to be beneath her, and thus sees no point in using courtesy or niceties toward them. She doesn't care to become involved in human life, holding herself apart. |
Quote: |
"You cannot escape my judgment." |
Powers/Tactics: |
Nemesis is the incarnation of the Ancient Greek goddess of vengeance and proportionality. As a goddess, she's immortal and immune to poisons and disease. She is also much stronger and heartier than a normal human being, because of her divine nature. As the goddess of vengeance, Nemesis can sense the evil that lurks in the hearts of men, and can determine the proper punishment for that evil. Those who have done wrong quail before her power. She can deliver an appropriate punishment at will.
She often summons a sword made of pure divine power to her and uses it as a weapon in combat. It should be noted that while wielding the sword, she cannot be disarmed, as it is actually a part of her, and not an actual weapon. |
Appearance: |
Nemesis is a tall, very attractive woman with classic Mediterranean features. She has curly black hair held tight to her head with a wimple and purple eyes that seem to penetrate into a person's soul. She typically dresses in a white cotton toga over which silvery armor is worn. The armor covers her shoulders, upper arms, chest, and upper abdomen. Two large white wings, similar in shape to those of a falcon, extend from her back. She keeps them folder when not flying with them. |