Cost Characteristic Value Roll Notes  
70 STR 80 25- Lift: 1600 tons  Damage: 16d6  END: 4
16 DEX 18 13-  
15 CON 25 14-  
5 INT 15 12- PER Roll: 12-
2 EGO 12 11- Mental Defense: 2
5 PRE 15 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
25 OCV 8 ---  
25 DCV 8 ---  
0 OMCV 3 ---  
0 DMCV 3 ---  
30 SPD 5 --- Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
-2 PD 25 --- Resistant PD: 25
-2 ED 25 --- Resistant ED: 25
16 REC 20 ---  
8 END 60 ---  
5 BODY 15 ---  
20 STUN 60 ---  
0 Running 16m --- END: 1
0 Swimming 4m --- END: 1
0 Leaping 16m --- Forward: 16m  Upward: 8m  END: 2
Character Summary      
Real Name: Debbie Yuan Played By: NPC
Concept: Brick Nationality: American
Hair/Eye Color: Black/Amber Date of Birth: 11 May 1990
Height/Weight: 5' 0"/101 lbs Place of Birth: San Francisco, California
Cost Powers END
12 Casual Strength: Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) For Up To 80 Active Points of STR (20 Active Points) 0
75 Durable: Resistant Protection (25 PD/25 ED)  0
4 Handholds: Clinging (normal STR), Side Effects (Always Causes Relatively Minor Damage to the Environment [The Surface Being Climbed]; +0)(10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (-1/2), Slow Climbing (Character Can Only Move At The Rate of 2" Per Phase; -1/2), Restricted Use (Only For Climbing; Surface Climbed Must Have A DEF Less Than 16; -1/4)  1
10 Strong: Knockback Resistance -10m  0
4 Sprinter: Running +4m (16m total)  1
6 Strong Legs: Leaping +12m (16m forward, 8m upward)  1
Cost Skills
16 +2 with HTH Combat 
3 Acting 12- 
2 AK: Chinatown, San Francisco 11- 
3 Breakfall 13- 
5 Cramming
3 Deduction 12- 
--- Everyman Skills 
0 1) Acting 8- 
0 2) AK: San Francisco, California 8- 
0 3) Climbing 8- 
0 4) Concealment 8- 
0 5) Conversation 8- 
0 6) Deduction 8- 
0 7) Language: Mandarin (Idiomatic) (4 Active Points) 
0 8) Paramedics 8- 
0 9) Persuasion 8- 
0 10) PS: College Student 11- 
0 11) Shadowing 8- 
0 12) Stealth 8- 
0 13) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles 
3 High Society 12- 
4 Language: English (Idiomatic) 
2 PS: Student 11- 
2 Science Skill: Chemical Engineering 11- 
325+ Complications
5 Dependent NPC: William Shiyu Yuan, Tong Leader Infrequently (Normal; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) 
15 Hunted: The Wing Chao Tong Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 
20 Psychological Complication: Code vs. Killing (Common; Total) 
20 Psychological Complication: Hates Organized Crime, Especially The Tongs (Common; Total) 
15 Social Complication: Secret Identity (Debbie Yuan) Frequently, Major 
Character Point Summary      
Characteristics Cost: 238 Base Points: 325
Powers Cost: 119 Total Matching Complication Points: 75
Martial Arts Cost: 0 Total Experience Points Earned: 0
Skills Cost: 43 Experience Points Spent: 0
Talents Cost: 0 Experience Points Unspent: 0
Perquisites Cost: 0 Total Points: 400
Total Cost: 400    
Debbie Yuan couldn't believe it. Her father, William Shiyu Yuan, one of the most respected businessmen in San Francisco, was actually the secret dragon head of the fearsome Wing Chao tong. The organized crime group had held San Francisco's Chinatown in its Iron Grip since the 1920s, when it was led by a supposed sorcerer known only as T'ien Lung. The more Debbie searched her father's desk, the more evidence she found. Records of money laundering. Of drug trafficking. Of kidnapping and ransom of wealthy men. Of kidnapping and sale to Asia's sex markets of young women.

The door suddenly swung open. "Debbie! What are you doing in my office?" her father demanded. In a panic, she tried to stuff the papers she'd found back into the desk drawyer. Her father only nodded. "So... you've discovered my secret." He seemed thoughtful. "I'd hoped that you would be finished with college before you found out, but destiny always does what it chooses."

"What you are doing is wrong. You're preying on your own people!" Debbie burst out.

"No. I am bringing order to Chinatown," he replied. "But order costs, and the people must pay. That's fair, isn't it? And with you and your abilities by my side, we can eliminate the lesser tongs. The Wing Chao will rule supreme, and there will be no more fighting in the streets."

"You can't fool me with words, father," Debbie said. "I know about the tongs. How they kill people, extort people for money -- I won't be a part of it!"

She ran from the room in tears. A little while later, having gathered all the money she could get her hands on and packing a bag, she fled her father's house. She was only 18 and just starting college. She had no idea where to go or what to do. Her family had benefitted from gross injustices being made against the people of San Francisco. She knew she had to find a way to fix it, but had no idea what to do or where to start.

When Lord Doom found her, the Master Villain gave her just what she needed: direction, and a target. With his resources, she'd be allowed to fight as many gangsters as she wanted... as long as she helped forward the plan.
Lotus feels a strong commitment to protecting innocent people from criminals. She's particularly interested in stopping the depredations of the tongs worldwide. And always, she strives to make up for the wrongs commited by her father, Willian Shiyu Yuan, and his Wing Chao tong. Lotus has cut off almost all contact with her family since finding out its link to the tongs, but meets with her mother occasionally when her father is away. She operates under a secret identity to protect her mother and younger sister from reprisals.

Lotus enjoys her work with Lord Doom; he never asks her to do anything blatantly criminal, and has given her his permission to fight crime when he doesn't have any direct missions for her. This has engendered Doom to her, though she's is sometimes a bit careful about what she is asked to do. Out of her teammates on the Guard, she despises Anole, sympathizes with Slipstream, is wary of Phobia, and has become close friends with Koorogi.

She has continued her college education at the University of Hamilton in Bermuda, but has yet to decide whether she wants to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering or the Dramatic Arts.
"I have the strength to do what's right."
Lotus, a short, petite young woman, has incredible strength, endurance, and defenses. She surprises many foes who expect her to be a martial artist of some kind. As a front-line fighter, she has gone toe-to-toe with some of the strongest and toughest villains on the planet. To date, her worst defeat came at the hands of Rampage... but then, most super-humanly strong heroes who have fought Rampage can say that. Lotus isn't as creative in the use of her powers as some other bricks are. She doesn't have a lot of cute tricks she can use in a fight; mainly, she just wades up to an opponent and starts wailing on them.
Debbie Yuan stands only five feet tall, and has a fairly petite yet wiry build. She's obviously in good shape for her size. She has straight black hair (usually tied back in a ponytail) and amber eyes. As Lotus, she wears a pale green and yellow body suit with a red lotus flower on the chest. Her boots and gloves are white. She wears a half-mask that covers her eyes, her neck, and her ears while leaving her mouth exposed and her hair flowing free.