Brigit |
Cost |
Characteristic |
Value |
Roll |
Notes |
13 |
23 |
14- |
600 Damage:
4 1/2d6 END:
2 |
46 |
33 |
16- |
13 |
23 |
14- |
10 |
20 |
13- |
PER Roll: 13- |
8 |
18 |
13- |
Mental Defense: 4 |
15 |
25 |
14- |
PRE Attack: 5d6 |
35 |
10 |
--- |
35 |
10 |
--- |
6 |
5 |
--- |
6 |
5 |
--- |
40 |
6 |
--- |
Phases: 2,
4, 6, 8, 10, 12 |
8 |
PD |
10/18 |
--- |
Resistant PD: 8 |
8 |
ED |
10/18 |
--- |
Resistant ED: 8 |
11 |
15 |
--- |
8 |
60 |
--- |
5 |
15 |
--- |
13 |
20 |
--- |
8 |
Running |
20m |
--- |
END: 2 |
2 |
Swimming |
8m |
--- |
END: 2 |
3 |
Leaping |
10m |
--- |
Forward: 10m
Upward: 5m END: 1 |
Character Summary |
Real Name: |
Glynnis Loughran |
Played By: |
Concept: |
Weapon Master |
Nationality: |
Irish |
Hair/Eye Color: |
Auburn/Green |
Date of Birth: |
5 March 1980 |
Height/Weight: |
6' / 143 lbs |
Place of Birth: |
Downpatrick, County
Down, Northern Ireland |
Cost |
Powers |
12 |
Swordplay: Multipower, 25-point reserve, (25 Active Points); all slots OAF (Swords; -1) |
--- |
1f |
1) Blade: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR) (20 Active Points); OAF (Swords; -1) [Notes: (x2 number of items)] |
2 |
1f |
2) Flat: Hand-To-Hand Attack +5d6 (25 Active Points); OAF (Swords; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) |
2 |
1f |
3) Interposing Blade: Deflection, +5 Block OCV (25 Active Points); OAF (Swords; -1) |
2 |
20 |
Acrobatic Fighter: +3 with All Attacks (30 Active Points); Requires An Acrobatics Roll (Skill roll; -1/2) |
14 |
Body Armor: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF (Body Armor; -1/2), Requires A Roll (14- roll; -1/4) |
0 |
11 |
Resourceful Fighter: Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points); OIF (Appropriate Objects of Opportunity; -1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) |
2 |
17 |
Stealthy: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups (25 Active Points); Requires A Stealth Roll (Skill roll; -1/2) |
2 |
5 |
Strong Willed: Mental Defense (5 points total) |
0 |
Cost |
Fencing |
5 |
Ballestra |
+2 OCV |
-2 DCV |
Weapon + 4 DC Strike, Half-Move Required |
3 |
Cut |
+2 OCV |
+1 DCV |
Weapon Strike |
4 |
Double a Double |
+2 OCV |
+2 DCV |
Weapon + 2 DC Strike, Must Follow Thrust |
5 |
Fleche |
+1 OCV |
+0 DCV |
Weapon + v/5; FMove |
4 |
Froissement |
+2 OCV |
-2 DCV |
Disarm, 33 STR To Disarm Roll |
3 |
Grypes |
-1 OCV |
-2 DCV |
One Limb; 10 STR Disarm |
5 |
Lunge |
+1 OCV |
-2 DCV |
Weapon + 4 DC Strike |
4 |
Parry |
+2 OCV |
+2 OCV |
Block, Abort |
3 |
Pasata Solo |
+2 OCV |
+2 DCV |
Weapon + Foe's v/5 Strike; You Fall, Response to Ballestra,
Fleche, or Lunge |
4 |
Prise de Fer |
+1 OCV |
+0 DCV |
Bind, 33 STR |
4 |
Riposte |
+2 OCV |
+2 DCV |
Weapon + 2 DC Strike, Must Follow Block |
5 |
Slash |
-2 OCV |
+1 DCV |
Weapon + 4 DC Strike |
5 |
Takeaway |
+0 OCV |
+0 DCV |
Weapon, 33 STR to Take Weapon Away |
5 |
Thrust |
+1 OCV |
+3 DCV |
Weapon Strike |
3 |
Trip |
+2 OCV |
-1 DCV |
5 1/2d6 Strike, Target Falls |
4 |
Void |
--- |
+5 DCV |
Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort |
0 |
Weapon Element: Blades |
Cost |
Skills |
20 |
+2 with All Attacks |
3 |
Acrobatics 16- |
3 |
Breakfall 16- |
3 |
Charm 14- |
3 |
Computer Programming 13- |
10 |
Defense Maneuver I-IV |
--- |
Everyman Skills |
0 |
1) Acting 8- |
0 |
2) AK: Downpatrick, County Down, Northern Ireland 8- |
0 |
3) Climbing 8- |
0 |
4) Concealment 8- |
0 |
5) Computer Programming 8- |
0 |
6) Conversation 8- |
0 |
7) Deduction 8- |
0 |
8) Language: English (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) |
0 |
9) Paramedics 8- |
0 |
10) Persuasion 8- |
0 |
11) PS: Dancer 11- |
0 |
12) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
13) Stealth 8- |
0 |
14) TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles |
3 |
Interrogation 14- |
3 |
KS: Current Events 13- |
3 |
KS: Fencing 13- |
3 |
KS: The Superhuman World 13- |
3 |
KS: The Criminal World 13- |
3 |
KS: The Intelligence World 13- |
3 |
KS: The Military/Paramilitary/Terrorist World 13- |
4 |
Language: German (Idiomatic) |
3 |
Language: Gaelic (Completely Fluent) |
3 |
Security Systems 13- |
3 |
Sleight Of Hand 16- |
3 |
Stealth 16- |
3 |
Streetwise 14- |
3 |
Tactics 13- |
10 |
Two-Weapon Fighting (HTH) |
0 |
WF: Blades |
2 |
WF: Off Hand |
Cost |
Talents |
1 |
Lightning Reflexes (+1 DEX to act first with All Actions) |
9 |
Striking Appearance (+3/+3d6
Distinctly Beautiful and Athletic Looking) |
2 |
Off-Hand Defense |
425+ |
Complications |
10 |
Hunted: Sigfried Infrequently (As Pow; Harshly Punish) |
15 |
Psychological Complication: Believes In Her Father's Cause (Common; Strong) |
10 |
Psychological Complication: Fear's Letting Her Father Down (Common; Moderate) |
15 |
Psychological Complication: Will Not Murder (Common; Strong) |
15 |
Social Complication: Secret Identity (Glynnis Loughran) Frequently, Major |
10 |
Watched: Lord Doom Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching) |
Character Point
Summary |
Characteristics Cost: |
293 |
Base Points: |
425 |
Powers Cost: |
82 |
Total Matching Complication Points: |
75 |
Martial Arts Cost: |
66 |
Total Experience Points Earned: |
50 |
Skills Cost: |
97 |
Experience Points Spent: |
50 |
Talents Cost: |
12 |
Experience Points Unspent: |
0 |
Perquisites Cost: |
0 |
Total Points: |
550 |
Total Cost: |
550 |
Background: |
Glynnis Loughran grew up in a succession of foster homes and orphanages. She dreamed of a day when her real parents would come and rescue her from the abuses of the orphanage administrators, the bullying of the older children, and the… the things that some of her foster fathers forced her to do. She regularly cried herself to sleep, wishing for a mother or father she could look up to and love.
During her stay at the orphanage, she was often called into the infirmary, where she received regular injections and was given many pills. She never knew what they were for, but she didn’t want to be beaten for disobedience. She endured the shots, and swallowed the pills, and did the exercises. And she cried herself to sleep.
And then one day, her dream came true. Her father came to her. He told her that his name was Reginald Wannsinger, and he explained how she fit into his plan for the world. And if she wanted, she could come live with him from now on, and he was so sorry he didn’t come before. |
Personality/Motivation: |
Glynnis Loughran is an intense, task oriented person; rarely allowing her emotions to interfere with her decision making. She is selfless and dedicated to helping her father's plan for improving life on Earth come to fruition. She is supremely confident in her abilities, and it shows in her demeanor. |
Quote: |
"This is your one chance to walk away. You won't be allowed to interfere." |
Powers/Tactics: |
Brigid is the product of genetic and social engineering. She is a warrior by both nurture and nature. Her physical abilities are all in the lower metahuman range, but to this she adds to this years of training that has honed her body and mind into a fighting machine. |
Appearance: |
Brigit is six feet tall in her bare feet. She keeps herself fit and trim at all times. When in the field, she wears a body-hugging white reinforced costume with yellow boots and gloves. While her face is covered by her mask, her hair is not. When at leisure, she tends to dress in jeans and teashirts. |