Bullseye |
Cost |
Characteristic |
Value |
Roll |
Notes |
10 |
20 |
13- |
400 Damage:
4d6 END:
2 |
20 |
20 |
13- |
10 |
20 |
13- |
8 |
18 |
13- |
PER Roll: 13- |
5 |
15 |
12- |
Mental Defense: 3 |
8 |
18 |
13- |
PRE Attack: 3
1/2d6 |
25 |
8 |
--- |
25 |
8 |
--- |
0 |
3 |
--- |
3 |
4 |
--- |
20 |
4 |
--- |
Phases: 3,
6, 9, 12 |
6 |
PD |
8/16 |
--- |
Resistant PD: 8 |
6 |
ED |
8/16 |
--- |
Resistant ED: 8 |
4 |
8 |
--- |
4 |
40 |
--- |
0 |
10 |
--- |
10 |
40 |
--- |
0 |
Running |
12m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Swimming |
4m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Leaping |
4m |
--- |
Forward: 4m
Upward: 2m END: 1 |
Character Summary |
Real Name: |
Pawel Radomski |
Played By: |
Concept: |
Weapon Master/Gadgeteer |
Nationality: |
Polish |
Hair/Eye Color: |
Brown/Brown |
Date of Birth: |
15 July 1972 |
Height/Weight: |
5' 11" / 163 lbs |
Place of Birth: |
Lodz, Poland |
Cost |
Powers |
30 |
Gadgets: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); all slots OIF (Gadgets; -1/2) |
--- |
2f |
1) Acid Spray: Tunneling 2m through 15 PD material (32 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4) |
[12] |
1f |
2) Baton: Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6 (15 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) |
1 |
1f |
3) Cresent Moon Blades: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (19 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), 12 Charges (-1/4), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) |
[12] |
2f |
4) Explosive Pellets: Blast 6d6, Area Of Effect (8m Radius Explosion; +1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4) |
4 |
1f |
5) Flare Pellets: Sight Group Flash 1d6, Area Of Effect (8m Radius Explosion; +1/4) (6 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), Range Based On Strength (-1/4), 12 Charges (-1/4) |
[12] |
2f |
6) Heat Seeking Mini-Missiles: Blast 7d6, Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path is from Source Point to target; +1/4) (44 Active Points); 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Gadgets; -1/2) |
[8] |
2f |
7) Master Key: Minor Transform 4d6 (Locked Object to Unlocked Object), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (30 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2) |
0 |
3f |
8) Modified Compound Bow: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Invisible Power Effects (Invisible to Hearing Group; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2), Beam (-1/4) |
4 |
1f |
9) Wrist Blade: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1d6 (2d6+1 w/STR) (15 Active Points); OIF (Gadgets; -1/2) |
1 |
3 |
Headgear: Hearing Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Mask; -1/2) |
0 |
3 |
Headgear: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); OIF (Mask; -1/2) |
0 |
2 |
Heads-Up Display: Absolute Time Sense (3 Active Points); IIF (Mask; -1/4) |
0 |
2 |
Heads-Up Display: Bump Of Direction (3 Active Points); IIF (Mask; -1/4) |
0 |
13 |
Jet Pack: Flight 15m, 4 Continuing Fuel Charges lasting 5 Minutes each (+1/4) (19 Active Points); OIF (Jet Pack; -1/2) |
[4 cc] |
3 |
LightAmp Lenses: Nightvision (5 Active Points); OIF (Mask; -1/2) |
0 |
4 |
Mask Filter: Life Support (Immunity Airborn Pathogens; Immunity: Airborn Toxins) (6 Active Points); OIF (Mask; -1/2) |
0 |
16 |
Microweave Body Armor: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); OIF (Body Armor; -1/2) |
0 |
12 |
Swingline: Swinging 15m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (12 Active Points) |
0 |
Cost |
Skills |
8 |
+1 with Ranged Combat |
3 |
Acrobatics 13- |
3 |
Acting 13- |
3 |
Breakfall 13- |
3 |
Bugging 13- |
3 |
Charm 13- |
3 |
Climbing 13- |
3 |
Computer Programming 13- |
3 |
Concealment 13- |
3 |
Deduction 13- |
3 |
Demolitions 13- |
3 |
Disguise 13- |
3 |
Electronics 13- |
--- |
Everyman Skills |
0 |
1) Acting 8- |
0 |
2) AK: Lodz, Poland 8- |
0 |
3) Climbing 8- |
0 |
4) Concealment 8- |
0 |
5) Conversation 8- |
0 |
6) Deduction 8- |
0 |
3) Language: Polish (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) |
0 |
7) Paramedics 8- |
0 |
8) Persuasion 8- |
0 |
9) PS: Mechanical Engineer 11- |
0 |
10) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
11) Stealth 8- |
0 |
12) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles |
3 |
Gambling 13- |
3 |
Inventor 13- |
3 |
Linguist |
1 |
1) Language: English (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
2 |
2) Language: German (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
2 |
4) Language: Romanian (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
1 |
5) Language: Russian (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
3 |
Lockpicking 13- |
2 |
Navigation (Land) 13- |
3 |
Paramedics 13- |
3 |
Persuasion 13- |
3 |
Scientist |
3 |
1) Science Skill: Electrical Engineering 14- (4 Active Points) |
2 |
2) Science Skill: Mathematics 13- (3 Active Points) |
3 |
3) Science Skill: Mechanical Engineering 14- (4 Active Points) |
3 |
4) Science Skill: Physics 14- (4 Active Points) |
3 |
Scholar |
3 |
1) KS: Gadgets (4 Active Points) 14- |
2 |
2) KS: Human Trafficking (3 Active Points) 13- |
2 |
3) KS: Organized Crime in Europe (3 Active Points) 13- |
2 |
4) KS: Russian Mafia (3 Active Points) 13- |
3 |
Security Systems 13- |
3 |
Shadowing 13- |
3 |
Sleight Of Hand 13- |
3 |
Stealth 13- |
3 |
Streetwise 13- |
4 |
Survival (Temperate/Subtropical, Urban) 13- |
3 |
Systems Operation 13- |
3 |
Tactics 13- |
3 |
Tracking 13- |
2 |
TF: Helicopters, Small Planes |
7 |
WF: Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Small Arms, Grenade Launchers |
5 |
Weaponsmith (Handguns, Incendiary Weapons, Missiles & Rockets, Muscle-Powered Ranged) 13- |
Cost |
Perks |
10 |
Money: Wealthy ($1,000,000 Annually) |
325+ |
Complications |
20 |
Hunted: Russian Mafia Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) |
10 |
Negative Reputation: Ruthless Vigilante, Frequently |
15 |
Psychological Complication: Judgmental (Common; Strong) |
15 |
Psychological Complication: Dedicated To Ending Human Trafficking (Common; Strong) |
15 |
Social Complication: Secret Identity (Pawel Radomski) Frequently, Major |
Character Point
Summary |
Characteristics Cost: |
164 |
Base Points: |
325 |
Powers Cost: |
103 |
Total Matching Complication Points: |
75 |
Martial Arts Cost: |
0 |
Total Experience Points Earned: |
0 |
Skills Cost: |
138 |
Experience Points Spent: |
0 |
Talents Cost: |
0 |
Experience Points Unspent: |
0 |
Perquisites Cost: |
10 |
Total Points: |
400 |
Total Cost: |
400 |
Background: |
Being the favored son of a crime boss has its perks, and Pawel Radomski used his father's influence and reputation to set himself up as well-trained and even better equipped vigilante. His father discovered Pawel's interest in gadgetry early but always assumed his son would use his weaponry and skills to assist with the 'family business'. After graduating from a German university, Pawel discovered that his father's criminal empire actually extended into the murky depths of
human trafficking and prostitution. The discovery triggered repressed memories of his early years when he had witnessed his father abusing his mother. Although traumatic, Pawel pursued any remaining evidence about his mother who had disappeared when he was ten years old. He discovered that she had been murdered by his father after she had attempted to blackmail him.
Pawel found that his long held anger towards his father now had a focus. His resentment towards his father's illicit activities had been percolating for years and had indeed fuelled his inventions and tinkering with mechanical and electrical devices. His father was initially amused with Pawel's attacks against his businesses and warehouses, but soon the attacks could not be ignored. Sometime during the next twelve months Pawel Radomski became Bullseye and his father cast him out of his inheritance. Bullseye didn't even blink at the disinheritance and continued to systematically sabotage his father and the other organized crime bosses of Poland and Eastern Europe. |
Personality/Motivation: |
Pawel Radomski feels guilty about his father's activities: from the death of his mother to the many, many deaths of people who have been smuggled from Eastern Europe in the hope of a better life. He has worked hard to make himself the man he has become: from the high tech gadgetry to his athletic body and intense, one-tracked mindset. Pawel is a classic example of a driven man, and he takes no criticism from anyone although he is very judgemental of everyone around him. |
Quote: |
"There's no escape for you, no matter how you grovel or beg for your life." |
Powers/Tactics: |
Bullseye is an excellent marksman, able to kill with a variety of weaponry - much of which was designed or adapted by himself He is a highly trained athlete and has developed many skills to make him a capable killer and saboteur. His gadgetry is varied, depending on the assignment, and usually includes a powerful compound bow, offensive and defensive pellets, and rocket-powered missiles. His helmet provides him with enhanced sensors including a targeting computer which allows him to increase his efficiency over great ranges. |
Appearance: |
Bullseye is known to the authorities and criminal underworld of Poland and many other European countries. His dark red armor and glistening black gauntlets are his trademarks. His armor is skin-tight and allows him to move like an Olympic gymnast, but it also contains many pockets and pouches where he keeps his various gadgets. |