Baron Maltus |
Cost |
Characteristic |
Value |
Roll |
Notes |
0 |
10 |
11- |
100 Damage:
2d6 END:
1 |
6 |
13 |
12- |
0 |
10 |
11- |
15 |
25 |
14- |
PER Roll: 14- |
10 |
20 |
13- |
Mental Defense:
4 |
10 |
20 |
13- |
PRE Attack:
4d6 |
15 |
6 |
--- |
15 |
6 |
--- |
0 |
3 |
--- |
6 |
9 |
--- |
10 |
3 |
--- |
4, 8, 12 |
0 |
PD |
2 |
--- |
Resistant PD: 2 |
0 |
ED |
2 |
--- |
Resistant ED: 2 |
4 |
8 |
--- |
2 |
30 |
--- |
0 |
10 |
--- |
5 |
30 |
--- |
0 |
Running |
12m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Swimming |
4m |
--- |
END: 1 |
0 |
Leaping |
4m |
--- |
Forward: 4m
Upward: 2m END: 1 |
Character Summary |
Real Name: |
Peter Ulric
Freiherr von Maltus |
Played By: |
Concept: |
Criminal Mastermind |
Nationality: |
Austrian |
Hair/Eye Color: |
Black/Black |
Date of Birth: |
1 April 1892 |
Height/Weight: |
5' 2"/101 lbs |
Place of Birth: |
Bischofshofen, Austria |
Cost |
Skills |
3 |
Bureaucratics 13- |
3 |
Charm 13- |
3 |
Computer Programming 14- |
3 |
Concealment 14- |
3 |
Conversation 13- |
3 |
Criminology 14- |
3 |
Deduction 14- |
3 |
Demolitions 14- |
3 |
Disguise 14- |
3 |
Electronics 14- |
--- |
Everyman Skills |
0 |
1) Acting 8- |
0 |
2) AK: Bischofshofen, Austria 8- |
0 |
3) Climbing 8- |
0 |
4) Concealment 8- |
0 |
5) Conversation 8- |
0 |
6) Deduction 8- |
0 |
7) Language:
German (idiomatic) (4 Active Points) |
0 |
8) Paramedics
8- |
0 |
9) Persuasion
8- |
0 |
10) PS: Medical
Doctor 11- |
0 |
11) Shadowing 8- |
0 |
12) Stealth 8- |
0 |
13) TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles |
3 |
Forensic Medicine 14- |
3 |
High Society 13- |
3 |
Interrogation 13- |
3 |
KS: The Metagene 14- |
3 |
KS: The Superhuman World 14- |
3 |
KS: Superpowers 14- |
3 |
Linguist |
1 |
1) Language: English (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
1 |
2) Language: French (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
2 |
3) Language:
Hebrew (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
2 |
4) Language:
Quechua (Incan) (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
2 |
5) Language:
Spanish (Completely Fluent) (3 Active Points) |
3 |
Mechanics 14- |
3 |
Oratory 13- |
3 |
Paramedics 14- |
3 |
PS: Medical Doctor 14- |
3 |
Security Systems 14- |
3 |
Scientist |
2 |
1) Science Skill: Anatomy 14- (3 Active Points) |
2 |
2) Science Skill: Biochemistry 14- (3 Active Points) |
2 |
3) Science Skill: Genetics 14- (3 Active Points) |
2 |
4) Science Skill: Medicine 14- (3 Active Points) |
2 |
5) Science Skill: Microbiology 14- (3 Active Points) |
2 |
6) Science Skill: Pharmacology 14- (3 Active Points) |
3 |
Shadowing 14- |
3 |
Sleight Of Hand 12- |
3 |
Stealth 12- |
3 |
Streetwise 13- |
2 |
Weaponsmith (Biological Weapons) 14- |
Cost |
Talents |
3 |
Lightning Calculator |
3 |
Lightsleep |
Cost |
Perks |
4 |
Anonymity |
20 |
Bases (100 Point) |
11 |
Money: Filthy Rich |
170+ |
Complications |
15 |
Enraged: When His Plans Are Foiled (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14- |
15 |
Negative Reputation: Former Nazi Mad Scientist, Frequently (Extreme) |
20 |
Psychological Complication: Utterly Evil and Amoral (Common; Total) |
20 |
Psychological Complication: Sees Common Humanity As Lab Animals (Common; Total) |
5 |
Unluck: 1d6 |
Character Point
Summary |
Characteristics Cost: |
101 |
Base Points: |
170 |
Powers Cost: |
0 |
Total Matching Complication Points: |
75 |
Martial Arts Cost: |
0 |
Total Experience Points Earned: |
0 |
Skills Cost: |
103 |
Experience Points Spent: |
0 |
Talents Cost: |
35 |
Experience Points Unspent: |
0 |
Perquisites Cost: |
6 |
Total Points: |
245 |
Total Cost: |
245 |
Background: |
Peter von Maltus was never a Nazi. Not truly. He wants you to be very clear on this. Certainly, he worked for Hitler and the Third Reich as their chief researcher and creator of the Ubermenschen, but that did not mean he subscribed to that ridiculous racial superiority theory the Nazis were always spouting. That was pure nonsense. The human genetic code was, for the most part, utterly identical between two people, regardless of whether the two people were a Jew and a German, a Frenchman and a Swede, an African or an Arab. It was the same code, mixed in different ways, and no one way was better than the others.
With one exception, of course: the superhumans had begin to appear in the 1930s, and it was clear that they were the superior race. It was clear that they, not the so-called "Aryans" (and as always, the use of that term by the Germans made Maltus chuckle... the original Aryans were dark-skinned and highly resembled the Persians in complexion and coloration; not quite the image of the proto-Nordic perfect specimin that Hitler was espousing) were superior. But there were so few. von Maltus dedicated his life then and there to learning how to manipulate the gene. His ultimate goal, of course, was to gain powers himself.
But it was not to be, he discovered. Only a small handful of humans had the gene, and he simply wasn't in that handful. So he decided to do the next best thing: he would control the world's metahuman population. This was the decision that brought him to the Nazis. Germany's international power was rising, and with that power came access to all of Europe's population, including the sleeping masses of metahumans, most of whom didn't even recognize their own status yet. In exchange for using his knowledge to create Hitler's private force of devoutly faithful Nazi supers, Maltus got access to as many experimental subjects as he wanted (or, as the Nazis referred to them, "undesirables that would have been liquidated anyway"). He took the pathetic prisoners and used them as what they were: resouces. He discovered more than he ever thought he would learn about the metagene, and he used this knowledge to arm Hitler's Germany with a platoon of superhuman soldiers who were blindly loyal to the Fuhrer.
The time came, however, that Baron Maltus realized that the Nazis were going the way of the dodo. The assembled might of the Allied forces would soon overthrow Hitler and his cronies, and they would no doubt want to do something nasty to Maltus as well. It was clear that he needed to get out early, before he was trapped by the Allies. So he made his escape, first travelling to Africa, then to South America, where he took up a headquarters in Ecuador. He would build a new headquarters and continue his research from there.
Unfortunately, there came a time when time itself became his enemy. He had forseen this, though, and prepared himself. He perfected a method by which his brain and spinal column was transplanted into a new body. At first, he took the body of a young man, but that body, too, aged and became useless. Then he chose a young woman who had a spectacularly healthy genetic code.
In addition to his research, Baron Maltus
makes use of his skills creating metahumans for pay. |
Personality/Motivation: |
Baron Maltus is a supremely intelligent, utterly arrogant individual who has no cares for anyone or anything other than the continuation of his scientific research. Despite his history as the Third Reich's premiere "mad scientist", he was never truly a Nazi and held no brief with their policies of racial superiority. To him, the Nazis were a means to an end: they provided an endless supply of test subjects, and had no pesky ethical qualms with his use of them. He is an utterly evil and amoral man.
It hasn't occurred to him to be bothered by the fact that he is now, at least physically, female. Such considerations are beneath him. |
Quote: |
"The metagene... this wonderful keyhole into the plans of Almighty God himself. What a useful tool it is." |
Powers/Tactics: |
Baron Maltus is a unique, intelligent individual. He has no true powers of his own, instead depending on the fruits of his mad science to be effective. He is a criminal mastermind who operates through others, some of whom never realize that they are working for the Baron. Maltus is a scientific genius whose accomplishments are only eclipsed by the horrific nature of those same accomplishments. |
Appearance: |
Originally, Baron Maltus was a tall, imposing man who fit the Aryan stereotype to a T. He's now on his third body; this time, he is a seventeen year old Andean Quichua girl. He's insured the body is in perfect health and is as athletically fit as he can make it (he intends to keep this one for as long as possible). The body is short, but fit, with long, black hair. Maltus dresses in his usual quasi-uniform, an outfit that is reminiscent of a Nazi SS officer's uniform, minus any insignia or markings. Black leather belts, gloves, and boots complete the ensemble. |