Guardsman's Force Bubble
Cost Characteristic Value Roll Notes  
15 Size 3   Area: 3 Diameter Sphere  Volume: 113 Cubic Meters
800 kg (+2 OCV, KB -3)
5 STR 30 15- Lift: 1600 kg    Damage: 6d6    END: 3
20 DEX 20 13-  
7 BODY 20 13-  
30 SPD 5 --- Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
-15 OCV 0 ---  
-15 DCV 0 ---  
-2 PD 15 --- Resistant PD: 15
-2 ED 15 --- Resistant ED: 15
-12 Ground Move 0 --- END: 0
-2 Swimming 0 --- END: 0
-2 Leaping 0 --- Forward: Upward:  0  END:  0
Cost Powers END
48 Flight Functions:  Multipower (48 Point Reserve) N/A
2f 1) Flight: Flight 15m, x4 Noncombat (20 Active Points) 0
3f 2) Swift Flight: Flight 15m - MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1)(30 Active Points) 0
5f 3) Hyperspace Travel: Faster-Than-Light Travel (2 Light Years/Hour), Instant Lightspeed (48 Active Points) 0
60 Bubble of Force:  Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED/5 Flash Defense (Sight and Hearing Groups) 0
19 Bubble Environment: Life Support (Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) - Area Effect (2m Radius) 0
26 Flight: Flight 15m, Draws On Guardsman's Endurance Battery (+0), Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages (Invisible Power Effects, Megascale, or Reduced Endurance); +3/4) (26 Active Points)   
Character Point Summary      
Characteristics Cost: 27 Base Points: 169
Powers Cost: 142 Total Matching Complication Points: 0
Martial Arts Cost: 0 Total Experience Points Earned: 0
Skills Cost: 0 Experience Points Spent: 0
Talents Cost: 0 Experience Points Unspent: 0
Perquisites Cost: 0 Total Points: 169
Total Cost: 169    
The force bubble is the primary means for a Guardsman to travel through space.  It is generated by the Guardsman's power tap, and is maintained for as long as he needs it.  He can carry passengers within the bubble, as the interior environment is maintained to the norms for the individual Guardsman's species.
The force bubble can fly through the air or through space as the Guardsman commands.  It is shielded from outside forces, and maintains a safe environment for its passengers.
The force bubble appears as a transluscent sphere of blue force energy.